
Panicle Hydrangeas are so EASY to Grow!

Panicle Hydrangeas are so EASY to Grow!

Learn all about panicle hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata). They are hardy to northern New England, bloom reliably every year, make great cut and dried flowers, as well as adding interest in...

Panicle Hydrangeas are so EASY to Grow!

Learn all about panicle hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata). They are hardy to northern New England, bloom reliably every year, make great cut and dried flowers, as well as adding interest in...

Planting Seeds for Fall Harvests

Planting Seeds for Fall Harvests

Learn which seeds you can direct sow in August and early September for abundant harvests from your fall organic garden.

Planting Seeds for Fall Harvests

Learn which seeds you can direct sow in August and early September for abundant harvests from your fall organic garden.

Feeding in Late June

Feeding in Late June

It's time to pay attention to ORGANICALLY FEEDING your plants!

Feeding in Late June

It's time to pay attention to ORGANICALLY FEEDING your plants!

Pinching your Plants in June

Pinching your Plants in June

Cutting Back your Plants in June There are many perennials that we grow in our CT gardens that benefit from cutting back in June. We used to call this "pinching" but...

Pinching your Plants in June

Cutting Back your Plants in June There are many perennials that we grow in our CT gardens that benefit from cutting back in June. We used to call this "pinching" but...

Give Bees A Chance

Happy Earth Day!

Can you feel it? That itch to get outdoors and have the sun shining on your face, that wonderful calm feeling when you dig in the earth and all around you are...

Happy Earth Day!

Can you feel it? That itch to get outdoors and have the sun shining on your face, that wonderful calm feeling when you dig in the earth and all around you are...

Get Smart. Get Smart Pots

Get Smart. Get Smart Pots

Smart Pots are one of the greatest inventions to come along in my many decades of gardening. I LOVE them! Let me tell you why... First of all, they are...

Get Smart. Get Smart Pots

Smart Pots are one of the greatest inventions to come along in my many decades of gardening. I LOVE them! Let me tell you why... First of all, they are...