Happy Earth Day!
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Can you feel it? That itch to get outdoors and have the sun shining on your face, that wonderful calm feeling when you dig in the earth and all around you are the sweet smells of spring. Happy Earth Day!
At Natureworks we like to say that EVERY DAY IS EARTH DAY. We are all about learning all that we can about our environment and passing that knowledge on to our customers of all ages. We must be good caretakers of our surroundings in order to create and sustain healthy habitats. What better way to celebrate than to let our Nature inspired collection of books fuel your child's curiosity for the great outdoors and give them an appreciation of the world surrounding them.
Here are a few suggestions and Natureworker favorites to help guide your them and encourge your child to learn about the earth and the magic that surrounds them. Happy Earth Day!
"We are the Gardeners" a sweet keepsake book by Joanna Gaines and Kids with soft toned illustrations tells of how the family came to garden by a small fern their father found at a local hardware store. Sadly that fern expires from overhydration but they are determined to prevail and get another one after reading up on the plants needs. The story progresses and charts the lessons learned regarding care, pests and taking ownership of something which can be quite rewarding.
Another wonderful choice is by one of our beloved authors of all time, Dr. Seuss is a book called "I am the Lorax" based on his book "The Lorax". Wonderfully whimsical play on words about a serious subject, removing trees from the world and how devastating the effects can be. Teaching each child can help keep our forests safe from harm. "Save the Truffula Trees!"
"Give Bees a Chance" by Bethany Barton. What can we say we love bees! The book tells of the importance of bees and describes how there are 25,000 different kinds of bees to love! The author teaches children in a comical way about how bees make honey and aid in the growing of plants and food. This book is a keeper the front and back inside jacket lists many different types of bees with illustrations of how they look.
"The Hike" by Alison Farrell is a beautifully illustrated story of three young explorers who while on a hike together discover all the magical things nature has to offer. They find berries to eat as a snack while navigating a path to their destination and sketch the flora and fauna while exploring together. Their sense of accomplishment when their journey is completed is empowering!
These selections in addition to others at our shop will remind children of the importance of taking care of the earth and the environment surrounding them.
Happy Earth Day!
By Susan Johnson