2024 Organic Lawn Care Program & Products
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Welcome to the world of safe, organic lawn care! The world of science has now joined forces with the organic movement to offer easy to use, highly effective alternatives to chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides. Our main organic focus is on building healthy soil and creating a healthy ecosystem that will encourage lawn grass and discourage weeds. Healthy turf grass in healthy soil will naturally crowd out other plants, out-competing them for nutrients, light, and water. You, your family, your pets and the wildlife that live in your yard will be safe from added toxins in your landscape.
Natureworks Organic Lawn Care Products & Information
Sustane (Step 1) Corn Gluten 9-0-0 30lb Corn gluten contains proteins that kill the formation of roots in newly germinated weed seeds. Corn gluten does not kill established weeds. It breaks down completely within about two months, slowly releasing nitrogen as it does, thus acting as fertilizer as well as weed control! Do not use corn gluten if you are over seeding the lawn. Apply corn gluten in the early spring (from the when the forsythia is blooming to the time the lilacs bloom) to suppress the growth of new weeds and provide a continuous supply of nitrogen for the grass through the spring growing season. Corn gluten when used as a pre-emergent to prevent weed seeds from germinating must be applied at a rate of 20lbs/1000sq ft. For best results apply, water it in lightly and allow it to dry.
NEW Sustane 4 Step Organic Lawn Care (Please see last page for full descriptions & instructions)
Step 1- Spring Weed & Feed Corn Gluten 9-0-0 30lb
Step 2- Early Summer Turf Maintenance 8-0-2 30lb
Step 3- Late Summer Turf Starter & Overseeder 4-6-4 30lb
Step 4- Fall Winterizer 8-0-4 30lb
North Country Organics Pro Gro 5-3-4 25lb/50lb
A Natureworks favorite for gardens and lawns for over 30 years! A premium all purpose fertilizer that is a high nutrient blend of natural organic ingredients. Pro Gro builds thick and healthy root systems which naturally crowd out many weeds and feeds healthy soils while cultivating beneficial microorganisms that can decompose thatch and control harmful insects and diseases. OMRI certified.
North Country Organics Pro Start 2-3-3 25lb/50lb
A winterizing blend of fertilizer, which builds a thick root system filled with nutrients to last the winter and come up healthy and lush in the spring. Contains less nitrogen to promote root growth, not as much shoot growth as you want the lawn to go dormant at this time. A greater root system increases the lawns feeding efficiency and the organic matter in the soil. OMRI certified.
Grass Seed Blends, White Clover, Top Soil and Shredded Straw
"The best defense against weeds is a bag of grass seed!”- Paul Tukey, author of The Organic Lawn Care Manual.
Hart’s Coastal Grass/Natureworks Grass Seed Blend
Hart’s grass seed blend is formulated for Natureworks by Hart’s Seed Co. in Wethersfield, CT. It is a blend of fine fescues and other modern grass seed varieties. Coastal blend is very drought resistant and is good for hot, dry areas as well as areas where road salt can be an issue. It also contains endophytically enhanced seed which offers natural insect and stress protection. Endophytes are beneficial fungi growing within the seed and grass plant.
Eco-Lawn Grass Seed- Eco-Lawn is a blend of seven carefully selected fine fescue grass seeds developed by Wildflower Farm. Eco-Lawn is a lawn grass that grows in full sun, part shade and even deep shade under trees! Eco-Lawn is highly drought tolerant once established, and has a beautiful green grass color. It requires less fertilizing and can be mown like a regular lawn-but just once a month or left un-mown for the season for a freeflowing carpet effect. Eco-Lawn is a fine grass that cannot tolerate heavy play by children or animals. (For more information visit http://www.wildflowerfarm.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=20_72).
New England Seed White Clover- Before the 1950’s clover seed used to be a part of all grass seed mixes! When chemical weed killers were invented, white clover became a “bad weed” and was eliminated by weed and feed products. White clover has very deep roots which makes it very adaptable to dry areas where many lawn grasses will not prosper without much extra watering. It may be blended with grass seed or sown separately onto existing lawns. Spring and early summer is the best time to start clover.
Coast of Maine Monhegan Blend Organic Black Earth TopSoil - Beautiful, rich, black top soil made from composted manure, aged bark and peat moss. Use to topdress areas you will be seeding to give the grass a nutrient rich base to grow into. Spread lightly over lawn to revitalize and add organic matter.
Mainely Mulch - Mainely Mulch is a 100% natural, biodegradable, weed seed/chemical free, chopped, blended straw/Timothy hay/alfalfa mixture. It helps to stabilize and shade tender seed, conserve water and protect seed from hungry birds. It spreads easily and is textured to resist being blown away on windy days. It is heat treated to kill weed seed and mold spores. As an added benefit as it decomposes it adds nitrogen to the soil. Grown in Maine on fields fertilized with organic poultry litter and never sprayed. Apply lightly after spreading grass seed, and water deeply.
Organic Lawn PEST Care Products
Grub Gone G *Great reviews from our customers the past 5 years we have carried this product! Finally a safe, organic granular grub control that is as effective as a toxic chemical product! Grub Gone G is a natural soil microbe (Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae or BTG) that attacks all types of grubs and chafers, at all stages of their life cycle. Grubs ingest Grub Gone and it causes them to stop feeding and they die. The first season using Grub Gone, apply Spring and Fall. The following season, only a fall application may be needed. It may be applied to sunny lawn areas in any temperature when the grubs are feeding. (here in CT apply late April-June, Aug-Oct) There is no risk to ladybugs, butterflies, bees, beneficial wasps, aquatic animals, birds or pets. Or children! Apply 2lbs/1000sq/ft. The 10lb bag covers 5,000 sq/ft. Spread evenly over lawn, and water in with ¼” of water.
Beneficial Nematodes Nematodes are an immediate solution for managing all types of grubs in the lawn. Our Beneficial Nematodes are a mixture of naturally occurring microscopic microorganisms that prey on and eliminate a wide range of soil welling plant pests such as beetle grubs, white grubs, cut worms, weevils, cabbage root maggots, and fungus gnat larvae. Attention to all pet owners-beneficial nematodes also kill flea larvae! Follow directions exactly-store in refrigerator until use, apply on a cloudy day and water them in, or apply during a rain to get them down into the soil quickly. One package contains 7 million nematodes and covers 2,000 square feet. Nematodes cannot be over-applied, use entire package if your area is smaller than 2,000 square feet.
Repellex Mole, Vole & Gopher Repellent Repellex provides maximum protection against burrowing pests. Moles tunnel in lawns looking for worms and grubs to eat. Voles chew on the roots of grass plants. A high concentration of active ingredients and the ability to penetrate soil surfaces make this product fast acting and long lasting. One pound covers 1,000 square feet. Contains castor oil, sodium laurel sulfate, cinnamon, and garlic. Repellex is non-toxic and biodegradable.
Soil Testing Many of our staff are trained to interpret your soil test results. Please feel free to bring in the printed results of your test to us to answer any questions. Our goal in organic gardening is to feed the soil and the soil will then feed the plants. Before you begin any organic lawn care program, you should test your soil. Here are two places in CT to get your soil tested. A basic, free test is available from the Ct. Agricultural Experiment Station, https://portal.ct.gov/CAES/SoilOffice/Soil-Office/Soil-Testing-Offices-Instructions UConn offers comprehensive testing for a small fee. http://www.soiltest.uconn.edu/sampling.php . Click on Homeowners and Landscapers, print and fill out the questionnaire for the Standard Nutrient Analysis Test and follow instructions to take a sample. Mail soil sample and check for $15 per sample to address provided on website. For more questions call UConn soil lab at 860-486-4274 or email: soiltest@uconn.edu
Long-Term Maintenance and Further Information
In each successive year of the program, emphasis shifts from pest control to soil enrichment, because a healthy lawn can hold its own if properly nourished. As you build a healthy soil, each year the lawn will require less input and will be able to fend off insects and diseases on its own. In this day and age, it is important to analyze your yard and decide how much lawn you actually use and need. If you have areas you are having trouble establishing a lawn or you never use, consider a new garden or even a meadow planting. For excellent easy to read information on the hows and whys of sustainable long-term organic land care, visit http://www.organiclandcare.net/sites/default/files/upload/2011_nofa_booklet_online_final.pdf
Natureworks Organic Lawn Care TIPS by Diane
-Get a SOIL TEST and request organic recommendations so you can see what is going on nutrient wise and sustaining your grass plants. Bring it into Natureworks for interpretation.
-Mow the lawn high- at least 3 ½”-4”. Taller lawns shade out weed seeds from germinating and keep the soil cool and conserve moisture.
-Use a mulching mower to mulch the clippings back into the soil. Clippings do not contribute to thatch! Clippings break down and feed more nitrogen to your soil, which feeds it to the grass roots. Do not bag the clippings!
-In summer when the lawn is stressed from high heat and little rain, give your lawn (and you!) a break and skip mowing for the week. It is certainly OK to NOT mow your lawn EVERY week in summer. During a drought, you may need to skip several weeks! Your lawn will thank you trust me.
-Overseed the lawn in fall to fill in any thin or bare spots before the following spring. Any bare areas invite weeds to come live there! Notice what kind of weeds you have growing and look up what they mean to your soil. Certain weeds grow in certain conditions and can give you clues what needs to be worked on.
-Use a mulching mower to mow over and chop leaves into small pieces in fall and leave on lawn to add organic matter and feed soil microbes.
Remember healthy soil = healthy lawn!
Be sure to pick up a copy our favorite lawn care book The Organic Lawn Care Manual by Paul Tukey
In an effort to provide horticultural information, these educational documents are written by Nancy DuBrule-Clemente and are the property of Natureworks Horticultural Services, LLC. You are granted permission to print/photocopy this educational information free of charge as long as you clearly show that these are Natureworks documents.
Introducing Sustane’s 4 Steps to an Incredible Organic Lawn
Natureworks has been teaching customers all about organic lawn are for decades. It is now easier to understand and apply than ever before! Sustane’s All Natural 4-step Lawn Program is designed to feed your soil with the nutrients and organic matter to produce dense, green grass. Follow the 4 steps to maintain your lawn all season long or mix and match to suit your needs.
Step 1 Spring Weed and Feed 9-0-0
Non-GMO corn gluten meal, is a natural broadleaf pre-emergent that helps prevent weeds from establishing in the spring. Blended with 15% Sustane fertilizer, this coats the corn gluten granules which means it is not the typical bright yellow color of corn gluten. It feeds your lawn with slow release nitrogen, which helps promote thicker lawns and a beautiful green color. Apply in CT from mid-April to mid May, approximately between when the forsythia is blooming, and the lilacs just begin to bloom. Corn gluten prevents seed from germinating, so do not overseed with grass seed at time of use. If you have thin or bare spots, plan on overseeding those in the fall. A thick and thriving lawn is the best defense against weeds!
A 30lb bag covers 3,000 sq/ft as a fertilizer, for weed germination control, apply at a higher rate. For weed control, a 30lb bag covers 1,500 sq/ft. No need for additional fertilizer
Step 2 Early Summer Turf Maintenance 9-0-2
Turf Maintenance is made from a blend of turkey litter, green waste compost, feather meal, and sulfate of potash. Apply before the heat of summer arrives, usually before the 3rd week in June. Mow at a height of at least 3" to 3 1/2" and do not mow when the temps are high. We repeat, do not mow when the temperatures are high. If it is uncomfortable for you to be mowing, it is too hot for the grass plants too! This will only stress the lawn and it may brown out during times of drought. Plan on skipping your mowing in the heat of summer for the best lawn. Also--leave the clippings! The clippings do not contribute to thatch, and they contain nutrients that will recycle right back into the soil as they break down. A 30lb bag covers up to 5,000 sq/ft at a rate of 6lb/1000 sq/ft. *Apply 10lb per 1000 sq/ft if clippings are bagged and removed*
Step 3 Late Summer Turf Starter and Overseeder 4-6-4
Turf Starter and Overseeder is made from composted turkey litter, feather meal and sulfate of potash to provide a balanced feeding when seeding. Apply in August or September, and overseed at the same time! Can be used alone, or with grass seed to thicken the lawn this year, for a better lawn in the future. Remember-the best defense against weeds is a thick, healthy lawn! Mow at a height of at least 3" to 3 1/2" and do not mow when the temps are high. We repeat, do not mow when the temperatures are high. If it is uncomfortable for you to be mowing, it is too hot for the grass plants too! This will only stress the lawn and it may brown out during times of drought. Plan on skipping your mowing in the heat of summer for the best lawn. Also--leave the clippings! The clippings do not contribute to thatch, and they contain nutrients that will recycle right back into the soil as they break down. A 30lb bag covers up to 5,000 sq/ft at a rate of 6lb/1000 sq/ft. *Apply 10lb per 1000 sq/ft if clippings are bagged and removed or if lawn is heavily used*
Step 4 Late Fall Winterizer 8-0-4
Late Fall Winterizer is made from composted turkey litter, green waste compost, feather meal and sulfate of potash. It provides the plant nutrients that grass needs to prepare for winter resulting in a quick spring green up! Apply in October or November, and be sure to mow the lawn shorter this time of year heading closer to winter. This is the only time we recommend a shorter grass height of 2". Leave the clippings and mow right over any leaves and chop them up to break down and feed the soil. A 30lb bag covers up to 5,000 sq/ft at a rate of 6lb/1000 sq/ft. *Apply 10lb per 1000 sq/ft if clippings are removed or if lawn is heavily used*
Natureworks Organic Lawn Care TIPS by Diane
-Get a SOIL TEST and request organic recommendations so you can see what is going on nutrient wise and sustaining your grass plants. Bring it into Natureworks for interpretation.
-Mow the lawn high- at least 3 ½”-4”. Taller lawns shade out weed seeds from germinating and keep the soil cool and conserve moisture. This is a very important part of organic lawn care.
-Use a mulching mower to mulch the clippings back into the soil. Clippings do not contribute to thatch! Clippings break down and feed more nitrogen to your soil, which feeds it to the grass roots. Do not bag the clippings!
-In summer when the lawn is stressed from high heat and little rain, give your lawn (and you!) a break and skip mowing for the week. It is certainly OK to NOT mow your lawn EVERY week in summer. During a drought, you may need to skip several weeks! Your lawn will thank you trust me.
-Overseed the lawn in fall to fill in any thin or bare spots before the following spring. Any bare areas invite weeds to come live there! Notice what kind of weeds you have growing and look up what they mean to your soil. Certain weeds grow in certain conditions and can give you clues what needs to be worked on.
-Use a mulching mower to mow over and chop leaves into small pieces in fall and leave on lawn to add organic matter and feed soil microbes. Remember healthy soil = healthy lawn!
Be sure to pick up a copy our favorite lawn care book The Organic Lawn Care Manual by Paul Tukey
In an effort to provide horticultural information, these educational documents are written by Nancy DuBrule-Clemente and are the property of Natureworks Horticultural Services, LLC.
You are granted permission to print/photocopy this educational information free of charge as long as you clearly show that these are Natureworks documents.