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Pycnanthemums are mountain mints, one of the most important native perennials we can add to our pollinator gardens. Their flowers are relatively small and white (occasionally dotted with purple or pink). They produce a lot of nectar for our pollinators and often you can see many different bees, wasps, moths, beetles, and butterflies on the plants at the same time. The foliage has a lovely minty fragrance and this plant is not eaten by deer or other mammals. Pycnanthemums are ideal to plant in or around your vegetable and flower gardens to attract a lot of pollinators.
Pycnanthemum flexuosum- Appalachian mountain mint
A southeastern U.S. native. White star-like, very showy, globular flowers in clusters atop 2-3’ stems. One of the slower spreading mountain mints, great for smaller pollinator gardens. It will eventually form a clump 2-3’ wide.
Pycnanthemum muticum- Smooth or short toothed mountain mint
A northeastern U.S. native. 2-4’ tall plants have large silvery bracts with a cluster of tiny white flowers in the center. Despite the small size of the actual flowers, this mountain mint is constantly covered with all kinds of pollinators, big and small. Stems, bracts, and flowers can be wired to a wreath ring, laid flat to dry, and will form the base of a beautiful herbal wreath. Fast spreading by rhizomes. Full sun or partial shade. Winter seed heads should be left up and are very attractive.
Pycnanthemum tenuifiolium- Slender mountain mint
A northeastern U.S. native. Fine textured, needle-like foliage and white flowers that start blooming early, in June, making it a great plant to extend the mountain mint succession of bloom in your pollinator garden. 2-3’ tall and wide. Can tolerate full sun and dry soil, more so than any other Pycnanthemums. It will also thrive in partial shade.
Pycnanthemum virginianum- Mountain mint
A northeastern U.S. native. Clusters of small white flowers (occasionally some flowers will have purple spots) begin in July and continue into September. A good choice for moist soil, it will tolerate average garden soil but is the least drought tolerant of all the mountain mints. Full sun (if soil doesn’t dry out) or partial shade. 2-3’ tall 12-18” wide.